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Petition Signers in Maine
94 Signers out of 31,487 Total in US
Clayton H. Allen, PhD, Roger B. Allen, PhD, Charles G. Beudette, James V. Bitner, Henry H. Blau, PhD, Robert Perry Bosshart, PhD, Peter B. Brand, MD, John Bridge, Forest D Briggs, R. S. Chamberlin, Andrew Jackson Chase, Joseph M. Chirnitch, Michael S Coffman, PhD, Carl Cowan, Mark R. Daigle, Lee C. Devito, Donald Dobbin, Herbert W. Dobbins, William L. Donnellan, PhD, Stephen Doye, Kenneth M. Eldred, Stephen G. Eldridge, Robert C. Ender, John W. Fitzpatrick, Randall C. Foster, Robert C. Frederich, Joseph M. Genco, PhD, Edward T. Gerry, PhD, Clark A Granger, PhD, Steven R. Grant, Douglas Griffin, DVM, Raymond E. Hammond, R. W. Hannemann, Stephen P Hansen, Wilkes B. Harper, Earnest M. Hayes, Grove E. Herrick, PhD, Alan E. Hitchcock, Aaron L. Hoke, William G. Housley, PhD, H. Blane Howell, Terence J. Hughes, PhD, Herbert C. Jurgeleit, MD, Kathy A. Kaake, Charles Kahn, Roger F. Karl, Roland Lebel, PhD, Richard R. Lecompte, Dulcie Lishness, Alan B. Livingstone, Albert F. Lopez, Jerry D Lowry, PhD, Sylvia B. Lowry, John P. Lynam, Peter L. Madaffari, Charles E. Maguire, Robert Lawrence Martin, PhD, Eithne McCann, MD, Harold K McCard, Ivan Noel McDaniel, PhD, Ralph R. McDonough, Robert J McNally, Clark Nichols, Jackson Nichols, David Sanborne Page, PhD, Richard A. Parker, Doris S. Pennoyer, MD, Burce E. Philbrick, Carl R. Poirier, Waldo C. Preble, Glenn Carleton Prescott, Robert W Rache, Malcolm H. Ray, PhD, Charles Davis Richards, PhD, Thomas L. Richardson, MD, Harold A. Rosene, MD, Robert B Russell Jr., Rudolph P. Sarna, Peter Schoonmaker, Mark D. Semon, PhD, Timothy G. Shelley, Paul L. Sherman, Thomas F. Shields, MD, Charles William Shipman, PhD*, Donald M. Stover, James H. Stuart, PhD, David B. Thurston, John A. Tibbetts, Frank Trask, Erik J. Wiberg, Arthur F. Wilkinson, H. Hugh Woodbury, PhD, Robert E. Zawistowski, Jay Zeamer