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Petition Signers in Oklahoma
544 Signers out of 31,487 Total in US
Ernest R. Achterberg, Brian D. Adam, PhD, Albert W. Addington, Robert M. Ahring, PhD, Brian R. Ainley, William L. Albert, James C. Albright, PhD, Ben Alderton, John C. Alexander, Kenneth L. Allen, Craig Allison, Ivan D. Allred, Ronny G. Altman, Bradley A. Aman, Terrell Neils Andersen, PhD, James K. Anderson, Jack R. Anthony, William H. Audley, John B. Aultmann Jr., Gerald E. Baehler, Dennis D. Baggett, Daniel M. Baker, PhD, Newton C. Baker, Richard B. Banks, Lindsey B. Barnes, MD, David T. Basden, Haskell H. Bass, MD, Robert Batay, David George Batchelder, T. Mack Baugh, Brian Bean, Edward A. Beaumont, Bennett E. Bechtol, Bruce M. Bell, PhD, Thomas C. Bennett, Glen L. Berkenbile, MD, D E Berry, Charles W. Bert, PhD, James M. Beyl, Jeffrey M. Bigelow, PhD, James Biggs, PhD, John Lawrence Bills, PhD, Michael A. Birch, Marshall D. Bishop, Brian H. Blackwell, Larry J. Bledsoe, Robert Blevins, Edward Forrest Blick, PhD, Jack E. Bobek, Terry Bobo, John M. Bohannon, Victor Bond, PhD, Howard William Bost, PhD, John N. Botkin, Clarence Bowers, B. W. Box, Barth Bracken, Shawn Braden, Edward Newman Brandt, PhD, Lindell C. Bridges, David A. Brierley, James P. Brill, PhD, Bob Diggs Brown, C. A. Brown, Hal Brown, Keith H Browne, John H. Bryant, Brad D. Burks, Jay B. Burner, Vaud A. Burton, MD, James Robert Burwell, PhD, Gary Buser, P. Edward Byerly, PhD, W. D. Byrd, Warren D. Cadwell, William S. Cagle, Peter K. Camfield, PhD, Jerry L. Camp, Jesse Campbell, MD, John Morgan Campbell, PhD, Philip Jan Cannon, PhD, Alan Carlton, Bruce N. Carpenter, Robert K. Carpenter, John Cassidy Jr., Gene C. Cates, Kenneth F. Cathey, John M. Cegielski Jr., PhD, Raymond Eugene Chapel, Robert C. Charles, Jim C. Chase, Ken K. Clark, Kenneth M. Clark, Merlin Clark, Harris A. Clay, J. C. Clemmer, Terry Cluck, PhD, James H. Cobbs, Joseph B. Cole, William B. Collier, PhD, Kenneth Edward Conway, PhD, Michael C. Cook, Lowell L. Coon, William L. Coppoc, John T Corson, Donald L. Crain, PhD, Kenneth S. Cressman, Curtis W. Crowe, Billy Crynes, PhD, Duane C. Dahlgren, Glenn Hilburn Dale, Rodnoosh R. Davari, Dale E. Dawson, John R. Dean, Roy Dennis, Lawrence A. Denny, Henry N. Deshazo II, John Robert Dille, MD, Ross J Dixon, Elliott P. Doane, PhD, Kenneth J. Dormer, PhD, William F. Dost Jr., Jan Frederic Dudt, PhD, Donald T. Duke, Larry Dunn, Marcus Durham, PhD, D. Dutton, Jeffrey L. Dwiggins, R. C. Earlougher, Jason Egelston, Abdalla M. Elias, Lloyd S. Elliott, David Allen Ellis, PhD, Robert S. Ellis, MD, Charles F. Engles, Jack F. Epley, Craig R. Evans, MD, F. Monte Evens, PhD, Arthur C. Falkler, Michael K Farney, Charles H. Farr, PhD, S. D. Farrar, Clarence Robert Fast, Robert O. Fay, PhD, James K. Fayard, J. Roberto Feige, Robert Fergusen, Louis G. Fernbaugh, Craig Ferris, Franklin E. Fields, Warren V. Filley, Leon Fischer, PhD, Wayne W. Fish, PhD, J. W. Fishback II, John Berton Fisher, PhD, John I. Fisher, Raymond E. Fletcher, Jack Fly, Melton L. Fly, Robert T. Forest, James M. Forgotson, PhD, Bill E. Forney, Lee C. Francis, James M. Franklin, Joes R. Friedman, Profeesor Friess, H. Robert Froning, PhD, S. W. Fruehling, Maryann C. Fuchs, John Gallagher, PhD, Thomas P. Gamwell, Charles R. Garner, Harvey L. Gaspar, MD, George Hiram Gass, PhD, Rick D. Gdanski, PhD, William C. Geary, Robert L. Geyer, PhD, William A. Giffhorn, Bertis Lamon Glenn, PhD, Kent J. Glesener, Wilmer E. Goad, Leroy Goodman, Robert G. Graf, Ashley Q Graham, Dick Greenly, Billy D. Griffin, Ivan Vincent Griffin, Brandon Griffith, Mark Grigsby, PhD, James I. Grillot, Richard S. Grisham, MD, Fred Grosz, PhD, Dane Gruben, Elard L. Haden, Pablo Hadzeriga, M. H. Halderson, John Hales, Thomas G. Halfast, Phillip M. Hall, Rick Hall, Justin Hamlin, Daniel L. Hansen, PhD, Harold Cecil Harder, PhD, Barry A. Hardy, Bryant J. Hardy, Gerald R. Hare, Charles E. Harmon, Charles R. Harvey, Charles N. Haskell, Philip J. Hawkins, Anthony V. Hayes, Kendall Hays, Kenneth Heacock, George B. Heckler, James H. Hedges, PhD, Richard Warren Hedlund, PhD, Robert A Hefner, IV, Stuart W. Henderson, Vinson D. Henderson, Henry W. Hennigan, Timothy L. Hermann, Chesley C. Herndon Jr., Barry E. Herr, John P. Herzog, Neil C. Hightower, Irving A. Hill, George W. Hillman, Donald O. Hitzman, Tong Yun Ho, PhD, Joe M. Hodgson, Carl C. Holloway II, PhD, Harvey H Holman, James A. Holt, David M. Holy, Wendell A Van Hook, Gary M Hoover, PhD, Rodney T. Houlihan, PhD, Ray A. Howell, George M Hudak, Steven P. Huddleston, David A. Hudgins, Deanne D. Hughes, Jerry Hughes, Kenneth James Hughes, W. Bryan Hughes, Ronald Hull, Hubert B Hunt, Luverne A. Husen, Michael D. Huston, Walter E. Hyde, Rodney D. Ice, PhD, John R. Imel, Lisa Funkhouser Ingle, Donald C. Jacks, Vincent Francis Jennemann, PhD, Michael W. Jezercak, PhD, Terry E. Johnson, Bill Johnston, Harlin Dee Johnston, PhD, Ralph S. Jones, Rhea A Jones, Pat Joyce, Richard L. Jueschke, Brian O. Keefer, Dan F. Keller, MD, Arthur L. Kelley, Jim M. Kelly, W. J. Kelly, PhD, Tim Kennemer, DVM, John F. Kerr, Francis W. King, John G. Kinsey, H. Kleemeier, Gary C. Knight, Jeffrey R. Knoles, Katherine M. Kocan, PhD, Eunsook Tak Koh, PhD, Kurtis Koll, PhD, John J Kueser Jr., J. Michael Lacey, J. A. Landrum, Robert B. Lange, Jon LaRue, PhD, Reginald M. Lasater, Kenneth E. Laughrey, Richard Lawson, J T Lee, Leo V. Legg, Robert E. Lemmon, PhD, James H. Lieber, James B. Lockhart, MD, Lyle G. Love, Dale D. Lovely, William R. Low II, Samuel E. Loy II, Robert C. Lucas, William Glenn Luce, PhD, Frank Lucenta, C. Luger, Scott E. Lugibihl, Mike S. Mabry, Scott E. Maddox, Bruce H. Mailey, Martin D. Malahy, Scott Maley, Phillip Gordon Manke, PhD, Francis S. Manning, PhD, Sam S. Marbry Jr., Douglas L. Marr, Jerry Martin, PhD, Richard Martin, PhD, Samuel T. Martner, PhD, Ted P. Matson, Wallace I. May, Kevin M. Mayes, David L. McCarley, Douglass A. McClure, Bob M. McCraw, Max P. McDaniel, PhD, Leslie Ernest McDonald, PhD, M. McElroy, PhD, Gregory B. McGowen, Stephen Edward McGuire, PhD, W. D. McIntosh, Cameron R. McLain, Wilfred E. McMurphy, PhD, James M. McUsic, Ralph M. McVay, Douglas W Meeks, Allen D Meese, Verlin G. Meier, Neal E. Mercer, Dean H. Mikkelson, Gary Miller, Larry O. Miller, Michael G. Mills, Claude E. Mised, Paul L. Mitchell, Bj J. Moon, MD, Donald N. Mooney, David K. Moore, Jon L. Morgan, Oscar P. Morgan Jr., Ronnie G. Morgan, PhD, Teruo Morishige, PhD, O. Charles Morrison, W. Mike Morrison, W. A. Morse, Ora M. Moten, Michael G. Mount, Joseph F. Mueller, Bryan Newell, John Nichols, PhD, Leo A. Noll, PhD, Robert A Northcutt, Doug Norton, John E. Norvell, PhD, Evan P Obannon, Richard C. Obee, Randy M. Offenberger, Kenneth D. Oglesby, John C. Orloski, S. J. Orloski, Jim D. Outhier, Bill G. Owen, James Robert Owen, PhD, Fredric Newell Owens, PhD, William W. Owens, Jerald Parker, PhD, Gary L. Parks, Stephen Laurent Parrott, PhD, Peter C Patton, PhD, Charles A. Paulson, R. Payne, H. Peace, Herbert E. Pearson, Ray E. Penick, Frederic J. Penner, Charles C. Perry Jr., PhD, Raj Phansalkar, PhD, Don A. Phillips, Wallace C. Philoon, PhD, George Pierson, Gerald Pierson, Raymond E. Pletcher, Dennis L. Poindexter, William Jerry Polson, PhD, Donald L. Poplin, David E. Powley, Victoria Prevatt, PhD, Geoffrey L. Price, PhD, James E. Pritchard, PhD, Barry Profeta, Richard W. Radeka, Benjamin F. Ramsey, Spencer G. Randolph, Gujar N. Rao, PhD, J. B. Red, Harold J. Reddy, Thomas R. Redman, Larry Redmon, PhD, Max E. Reed, PhD, Philip W. Reed, Harold J. Reedy*, Homer Eugene Reeves, PhD, Carl J. Regone, B. J. Reid, Don J. Remson, Thomas W. Reynolds, Ken J. Richards, PhD, J. Mark Richardson, PhD, Verlin Richardson, PhD, Greg A. Riepl, Olen L. Riggs Jr., PhD, David Rippee, Jerry Lewis Robertson, PhD, Stanley L. Robertson, PhD, Wilbert Joseph Robertson, PhD, Robert L. Rorschach, Jeffrey S. Ross, Dighton Francis Rowan, PhD, Donal E. Ruminer, Larry J. Rummerfield, Geo Rushton, Mamdouh M. Salama, PhD, John T. Sanner, Charles Gordon Sanny, PhD, James E. Schammerhorn, Frank W. Schemm, Dwayne A. Schmidt, Carl F. Schneider Jr., James G Schofield, Robert G. Schroeder, Roland Schultz, PhD, Charles R. Schwab, Radny Schwab, Charles N. Scott, Robert L. Scott, John H. Seader, Walter E. Seideman, PhD, Lawrence R. Seng, Charles Shackelford, Jack A. Shannon, Brian S. Shaw, William W. Sheehan, MD, Jon P. Sheridan, Adolph Calveran Shotts, John P. Siedle, PhD, Jay K. Smith, Kevin L. Smith, Sherman E. Smith, Sofner Smith, Kenneth Snavely, Theodore Snider, PhD, Wallace W. Souder, PhD, Thomas C. Spear, Glenn E. Speck, Harry Spring, Robert M. St. John, PhD, John Stark, Gary Franklin Stewart, PhD, Edwin Tanner Still, DVM, P. Doug Storts, J. Story, Dennis E. Stover, PhD, George G. Strella, Raymond Walter Suhm, PhD, Gary D. Sump, PhD, Lyll S. Surtees, Earl W. Sutton, William D. Sutton, James A. Svetgoff, Shaun H. Sweiger, DVM, Allen G. Talley, Terry F. Tandy, James R. Taylor, MD, William N. Thams, Barbara J. Thomas, Cullen Thomas, William Hugh Thomason, PhD, Robert R. Thompson, PhD, Timothy R. Thompson, W. H. Thompson Jr., Jimmy L. Thornton, Michael B. Tibbits, Buck J. Titsworth, Robert Totusek, PhD, Lawrence H. Towell, Harry P. Trivedi, Joe L. Troska, MD, Steven M. Trost, PhD, Billy B Tucker, PhD, James M. Tully, Brian Turner, Lynn D. Tyler, PhD, Mark W. Valentine, MD, John Warren Vanderveen, PhD, James Milton Vanderwiele, Gary V. Vanmeter, James R. Vaughan, James P. Vaughn, Joseph C. Vaughn, Laval M. Verhalen, PhD, Suzanne Vincent, PhD, Ed Wagner, William D. Wakley, PhD, Charles Wall, Kenneth K. Warlick, William E. Warnock Jr., Lawrence A. Warzel, PhD, George A. Waters, J. R. Webb, Curtis W. Weittenhiller, Irving P. West, Delmar G. Westover, Gene L. Whitaker, James D. White, James R. Whiteley, PhD, Joe V. Whiteman, PhD, Thomas L. Whitsett, MD, Michael L. Wiggins, PhD, Jack A Williams, PhD, Keith P. Willson, David B. Wilson, David M. Wilson, Timothy M. Wilson, PhD, Weldon J Wilson, PhD, Donn Braden Wimmer, William K. Winter, PhD, Richard B. Winters, MD, Thomas H. Wintle, Kenneth Wolgemuth, PhD, I. K. Wong, PhD, C. Wootton, Wm. P. Wortman, Bill J. Wright, John L. Wright, Paul McCoy Wright, PhD, Demetrios V. Yannimaras, PhD, Donald Yaw, Marvin E. Yost, PhD, Donald Frank Zetjk, PhD, Charles W. Ziemer, PhD, John C. Zink, PhD