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Petition Signers in New Mexico
457 Signers out of 31,487 Total in US
Carl M. Abrams, Donald Adams, Stuart R. Akers, Frederick I. Akiya, MD, James B Alexander, M. Dale Alexander, PhD, Charles C. Allen, Lynford L Ames, PhD, James F. Andrew, PhD, Harold V. Argo, PhD, Robert L. Armstrong, PhD, Charles Arnold, PhD, Walter R. Ashwill, Erik Aspelin, Dustin M. Aughenbaugh, Gerald V. Babigian, Lester Marchant Baggett, PhD, Lara H. Baker, PhD, Arden Albert Baltensperger, PhD, James A. Baran, PhD, Franklin Brett Barker, PhD, Scott L. Beardemphil, David F. Beck, Glenn W. Bedell, PhD, Rettig Benedict, PhD, H. W. Benischek, Kaspar G. Berget, M. Berkey, Marshall Berman, PhD, Theodore F Berthelote, Frances M. Berting, PhD, Andrew J. Betts, John Beyeler, William Edward Blasé, Clay Booker, PhD, Kevin W. Boyack, PhD, Ben M. Boykin, Richard J. Boyle, Ben J Brabb, PhD, Charles D. Braden, Martin Daniel Bradshaw, PhD, Frederick S. Breslin, PhD, Robert E. Bretz, PhD, Clifton Briner, Kay Robert Brower, PhD, Donnie E. Brown, James S. Brown, Lowell S Brown, PhD, James R. Buchanan, MD, J. F. Buffington, Merle E. Bunker, PhD, Frank Bernard Burns, PhD, Robert C. Byrd, Suzanne C. Byrd, Fernando Cadena, PhD, Howard Hamilton Cady, PhD, Dennis R. Cahill, George Melvin Campbell, PhD, Jeff Campbell, Gregory Cannon, Frederick Herman Carl Schultz, PhD, Gunnar C. Carlson, Peter R. Carlson, John Granville Castle, PhD, Roy Dudley Caton Jr., PhD, Charles W. Causey, Philip Ceriani, MD, Peter E. Christensen, Petr Chylek, PhD, Kenneth W. Ciriacks, PhD, William F. Clark, James R Clarke, Frank Welch Clinard, PhD, Michael R. Clover, PhD, Richard Lee Coats, PhD, Allen H. Cogbill, PhD, Michael W. Coleman, Kenneth B. Collins, Albert D. Corbin, Samuel Douglas Cornell, PhD, Maynard Cowan Jr., Jerry Ferdinand Cuderman, PhD, John E. Cunningham, PhD, Dirk A. Dahlgren, PhD, James P. Daley, John C. Dallman, PhD, Michael Daly, Richard Aasen Damerow, PhD, Edward George Damon, PhD, James M. Davidson, PhD, Frank W. Davies, Herbert T. Davis, PhD, Robert D. Day, PhD, Michael J. Dietz Sr., Malcolm Dillon, Robert Hudson Dinegar, PhD*, Steven K. Dingman, Eugene H. Dirk, PhD, Paul Dobak, D. Donaldson, PhD, Gary B. Donart, PhD, Rae A. Dougherty, John R. Doughty, PhD, Charles O. Dowell, Richard T. Downing, Clifton Russell Drumm, PhD, Sherman Dugan, Thomas A. Dugan, Herbert M. Dumas, C. M. Duncan II, Thomas G. Dunlap, Jed E. Durrenberger, Lawrence G. Dykers, Robert John Eagan, PhD, Tim E. Eastep, George W. Eaton Jr., Keith Ehlert, Chris S. Ellefson, Robert W Endlich, Albert George Engelhardt, PhD, Raymond Engelke, PhD, Steve R England, DVM, Roger Charles Entringer, PhD, Andy C. Erickson, Jay Erikson, PhD, Mary Jane Erikson, R. W. Erwin, William R. Espander, PhD, Eugene Henderson Eyster, PhD, Ron Farmer, Douglas Fields, PhD, Morris Dale Finkner, PhD, Philip C. Fisher, PhD, Fred F. Fleming Jr., Stuart Flicker, K. Randy Foote, Clarence Q. Ford, PhD, Robert F. Ford, PhD, David Wallace Forslund, PhD, Eric Beaumont Fowler, PhD, Harry James Fox, Julian R. Franklin, Bruce L Freeman, PhD, Susan H. Freeman, Michael Frese, PhD, J. M. Fritschy, Ian J Fritz, PhD, Paul Fuierer, PhD, Julie Fuller, Michael S. Fulp, Irwin M. Gabay, MD, Bruce E. Gaither, Quentin Galbraith, Ri Garrett, John Eric Garst, PhD, J. C. Garth, PhD, Jackson Gilbert Gay, Arthur Gebean, Raymond S. George, PhD, Timothy Gordon George, Claude Milton Gillespie, PhD, David L. Gilmer, H. Scott Gingrich, Thomas H. Giordano, PhD, Earl R. Godwin, MD, Terry Jack Goldman, PhD, James Wylie Gordon, PhD, Walter L. Gould, PhD, David G. Grabiel, Mathew O. Grady, Charles Thornton Gregg, PhD, Clifton E. Gremillion, Reid Grigg, PhD, A. G. Griswold, Walter Wilhelm Gustav Lwowsk, PhD, Eero Arnold Hakkila, PhD, Frank C. Halestead, Charles Ainsley Hall, PhD, V. A. Hamilton, James T. Hanlon, PhD, Harry C. Hardee, PhD, Daniel E. Harmeyer, Gerald E Harrington, Richard A. Harris, PhD, E. Frederick Hartman, Eric W Hatfield, Robert F. Hausman Jr., PhD, K. Havernor, PhD, Russell Haworth, Dennis B. Hayes, PhD, Jon D. Hicks, Mary Jane Hicks, PhD, Michael Hicks, Dwight S. Hill, Fred L. Hinker, Terry D. Hinnerichs, PhD, Charles Henry Hobbs, DVM, Stephen M. Hodgson, David K. Hogan, Gregory A. Hosler, Michael G. Houts, PhD, Volney Ward Howard Jr., PhD, James M. Hylko, J. Charles Ingraham, PhD, Mehraboon S. Irani, MD, David H. Jagnow, Andrew John Jason, PhD, Ronald L. Jepsen, Robert Johannes, PhD, Ken L. Johnson, Michael L. Johnson, PhD, Wesley Morris Jones, PhD, Richard D. Juel, MD, Jon P Kahler, C. Keenan, PhD, William E. Keller, PhD, John Daniel Kemp, PhD, David R. Kendall, Claude Larry Kennan, PhD, H. Grant Kinzer, PhD, David I Knapp, John H. Kolessar II, Fleetwood R. Koutz, Gary R. Kramer, PhD, Lillian A. Kroenke, William Joseph Kroenke, PhD, Paul Kuenstler, PhD, Roger W. Lamb, Leo J. Lammers, James G. Lareau, Signa Larralde, PhD, Tom B. Larsen, PhD, Laurence Lattman, PhD, Roger X. Lenard, Lary R. Lenke, Frank L. Lichousky, William C. Lindemann, PhD, Stanley E Logan, PhD, H. Jerry Longley, PhD, Gabriel P. Lopez, PhD, Radon B. Loveland, Bruce P. Lovett, MD, Kenneth Ludeke, PhD, Mark J. Ludwig, Jesse Lunsford, Raymond A. Madson, Jeffrey Mahn, Norman Malm, PhD, Bob Malone, Gary M. Malvin, PhD, Joseph Bird Mann, PhD, Charles Robert Mansfield, PhD, Greg Mansfield, Jose Eleazar Martinez Jr., David S. Masterman, Mark A. Mathews, PhD, James W. Mayo, Douglas K. McCullough, Kirk McDaniel, Patrick D. McDaniel, PhD, Luther F. McDougal, Thomas D. McDowell, PhD, Heath F. McLaughlin, Virginia McLemore, PhD, Reed H. Meek, Jon J. Mercurio, PhD, James H. Metcalf, Andre F. Michaudon, PhD, Edmund Kenneth Miller, PhD, Peter W. Milonni, PhD, James J. Mizera*, Raymond C. Mjolsness, PhD, Charles E. Moeller, Joe P. Moore, Michael Stanley Moore, PhD, Tamara K. Morgan, Henry Thomas Motz, PhD, Joseph Mraz, Arthur Wayne Mullendore, Darrell Eugene Munson, PhD, Daniel Neal, PhD, Leland K. Neher, PhD, Burke E. Nelson Sr., PhD, R. T. Nelson, James P. Niebaum, Clair W Nielson, PhD, Clyde John Marshall Northrup, PhD, Bob Norton, Henry C. Nowail, Sean G. O'Brien, PhD, Edward E. O'Donnell, PhD, Robert C. O'Shields, Connon R Odom, William D Ohmstede, Paul J. Ortwerth, PhD, David K. Overmier, Thomas G. Parker, William L. Partain, PhD, Stanley J. Patchet, PhD, Randy Patterson, Robert H. Paul, PhD, David C. Pavlich, Tamara E. Payne, PhD, Daniel N. Payton II, PhD, Jeffrey H. Peace, Jerry L. Peace, Lester D. Peck, Ralph B. Peck, PhD, James A. Phillips, PhD, Rex D. Pieper, PhD, Gordon E. Pike, PhD, Pamela D. Pinson, James D. Plimpton, PhD, Paul Pompeo, William Morgan Porch, PhD, Nolan Probst, Irving Rapaport, J. R. Ratcliff, Leonard Raymond, Gary D. Rayson, PhD, George R. Reddy, John Douglas Reichert, PhD, Mark M. Reif, PhD, William E. Reifsnyder, Anita S. Reiser, Norbert T. Rempe, Elliott A. Riggs, PhD, Arnold Robinson, David A. Rockstraw, PhD, John E Rockwell, III, Larry D. Rodolph, John D. Roe, G. Rollet, Gary R. Rollstin, James M Romero, Benny H. Rose, PhD, Daniel G. Rossbach, B. A. Rosser, Darryl D. Ruehle, Lawrence D Rutherford, Kenneth Sabo, PhD, Richard John Salzbrenner, PhD, George Albert Samara, PhD*, Ian A. Sanders, Donald James Sandstrom, Alcide Santilli, David P Sauter, Frank R. Schenbel, Scott A. Schilling, Jeffrey S. Schleher, Glen L. Schmidt, PhD, Theodore R. Schmidt, PhD, David A. Schoderbek, David W Scholfield, PhD, Charles R. Schuch, Joseph Albert Schufle, PhD, L. Schuster, John Seagrave, PhD, Robert D. Sears, Gary L. Seawright, PhD, Jack Behrent Secor, PhD, Dwight Sederholm, Thomas J Seed, PhD, David W. Seegmiller, PhD, Fritz A. Seiler, PhD, James Shaffner, Thomas L. Shelley, Lawrence Sher, Arnold John Sierk, PhD, Randal S. Simpson, Wilbur A. Sitze, Joseph L. Skibba, PhD, Florentine Smarandache, PhD, Clay T. Smith, PhD, Garmond Stanley Smith, PhD, Harvey M. Smith, Maynard E. Smith, PhD, Jon E. Sollid, PhD, Michael Scott Sorem, PhD, Morgan Sparks, PhD, David J. Sperling, James Kent Sprinkle, Vincent W. Steffen*, Stephen M. Sterbenz, PhD, Philip J. Sterling, Billy Stevens, Regan W. Stinnett, PhD, Leo W. Stockham, PhD, James William Straight, PhD, Thomas F. Stratton, PhD, William R. Stratton, PhD, Leonard Richard Sugerman, Donald Lee Summers, A. Einar Swanson, Donald M. Swingle, PhD, Mariano Taglialegami, Willard Lindley Talbert, PhD, David R. Tallant, PhD, Glen M. Tarleton, Gene W. Taylor, PhD, Javin M Taylor, PhD, Troy Lynn Teague, Michael M. Thacker, Edward Frederic Thode, PhD, Angela Thomas, James L. Thomas, PhD, John R. Thompson, PhD, Seth J. Thompson, Billy Joe Thorne, PhD, Gary Tietjen, Robert Allen Tobey, PhD, Leonard A. Traina, PhD, Anthony J. Trennel, Charles V. Troutman, Patricio Eduardo Trujillo, John D. Underwood, Jurgen H. Upplegger, PhD, Bruce Harold Van Domelen, PhD*, Ron Van Valkenburg, Valentine W Vaughn Jr., Don R. Veazey, Charles G. Vivion, MD, George Leo Voelz, MD, James Von Husen, Frederick Ludwig Vook, PhD, Teodor Vulcan, PhD, Francis J. Wall, PhD, Robert F. Walter, PhD, Roddy Walton, PhD, Norman R. Warpinski, PhD, Mial Warren, PhD, James D. Waters, William W. Weiss, William J. Whaley, Gerald W. Whatley, David Wheeler, H. E. Whitfacre, Larry K. Whitmer, Raymond V. Wick, PhD, James Wifall, Gary R. Williams, Gearld F Willis, Donald E. Wilson, Norman G. Wilson, Bob Winn, Kenelm C. Winslow*, Donald Wolberg, PhD, Robert O. Woods, PhD, Eric J. Wrage, Harlow Wright, Ely Yao, PhD, John L. Yarnell, PhD, Frank Yates Jr., George W. York Jr., PhD, Jeffrey L. Young, Lloyd M. Young, PhD, Phillip L Youngblood